Finding Light is a grayscale handheld-style RPG that follows the tale of Mari and her journey to find her beloved partner Abbie and solve the mystery of Heaven’s Door.
Game Overview
As monsters and miasma poured forth from the Black Tower, heroes Mari and Abbie climbed the tower and defeated its master, the wizard Morgoth. Two years later, Abbie vanished. At the same time, a towering spire emerged, stretching from the ocean’s depths to beyond the sky. “Heaven’s Door”, as some called it, caused the oceans to flood, submerging cities, kingdoms and even entire continents. Finding Light follows the tale of Mari and her quest to find her beloved partner Abbie and solve the mystery of Heaven’s Door. Joined by the wise cleric Keller, the former knight…
Title: Finding Light
Developer: Joshua Keith
Publisher: Joshua Keith
Release Date: 14 Oct, 2018
Genre: RPG, Casual
Release Name: Finding Light
Cracked by: P2P
Release Size: 170 MB
System Requirement
- OS: 7 and above
- Processor: Intel Core2 duo or better
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX 9/OpenGL 4.1 capable GPU
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- Processor: 2.4GHz Intel quad-core or better
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Storage: 1 GB available space